Welcome to your one stop for all things WLC Impact Team!
To assist us with ministry area placement and development, please take a moment to complete both
Spiritual & Fivefold Gifts Assessments.
After receiving your results to your spiritual assessment forms, please email to servantleaders@worshiplife.church
Missed our monthly impact team call? Driving not able to take notes? No problem you can catch the replay.
As we continue to steward God's house and processes, please utilize the below forms. Also, feedback is a feedback please be sure to communicate any and all opportunities along with recommended solutions when supplying feedback.
Please scroll to the area(s) you're serving in to review/download your area manual.
For those new to serving in the WLC Impact Team.
For those serving on Intercessory Prayer team.
For those serving in the Member Care area.
For those serving on the Worship team.
For those serving as Greeter/Host.
For those serving on the Security team.
For those serving on the Resource Center Team.
For those serving on the Outreach team.